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  • python语言的优势

    Since 1843, there have been a variety of programming languages developed by programmers to solve real-world challenging problems. But does every programming language stand out in the limelight? Obviously NOT. Because it completely depends on their core features, such as approachability, flexibility, portability, responsibility, etc. In other words, the essential features of modern programming languages are taken into consideration while considering their utility.

    In this article, we are going to discuss how Python - a high-level versatile programming language, has become a popular language amongst programmers. We will also discuss the features of Python and understand why this language is the preferred language of the majority of programmers.

    Python At A Glance

    Python was developed by Guido Van Rossum in 1991 for deploying easy to tedious operations and mathematical functions in less time. This open-source programming language has a wide array of modules, supports the concepts of classes, and a range of libraries (i.e.standard Library) to support other computer languages such as C, JSON, Java, etc. 

    Python supports procedural and object-oriented programming, too. One of the key features of Python is that the lines of code are fewer compared to other computer languages. It does not require including curly braces in the source code. It does not require declaring the type of a variable as it is a dynamically typed language.

    Fun Fact: Wondering why is it called Python? When Rossum began implementing Python, he was reading the published scripts from the BBC comedy series 'Monty Python's Flying Circus'. Since Van Rossum was looking for a name that was short, unique, and interesting for his programming language, he decided to name it 'Python', inspired by the comedy series.  

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